Thursday, 10 January 2013

Just searching and searching. Mislaid my Mum's post office card for her pension. Looking high and low. Finally decided that it must have slipped out of my bag ( see previous post new bag required). After imagining someone picking it up and getting hold of her cash  I was having kittens. Anyhow the post office people gave me a number to ring to stop the card and get a new one issued.
Have you ever tried to get a deaf and partially sighted 93 year old to answer security questions without giving them any prompts? After the 3rd call we finally had success and Mum felt just brilliant that she managed to pass the test. I felt like an idiot for causing the fiasco.
New card- pension got and back to normal. Hope this is a one off. I need a lie down.


  1. Oh dear. I know they need to make things complicated these days to avoid fraud, but so many passwords, it is beyond a joke.

  2. Oh no, how awful. Poor you. Glad you got it sorted x

  3. This post reminded me of when Tom (husband) was recently in hospital and they gave him the altzeimers test. He passed with flying colours but a couple of the bits he had to remember until the end I had forgotten, doesn't bode well for me does it. lol
